An inventory of urban and suburban sustainable ideas and the people behind them. Disobeying the suburban aesthetic laws for common sense, locavorism, human footprint reduction. Escaping consumerism by saving seeds, making your own honey, compost, houses etc....

Cooperative roots garden extension

This garden was started by a A. , an active member of co-op roots. The landlord rents out the land for a bilboard and let wead take over untill A. offered to farm the land. The garden is always open and used by whoever feel inspired.
Ce jardin a ete comenecer par A. un membre de Cooperative roots. Le proprietaire de cette parcelle de terrain le loue a un panneau publicitaire, et jusqu'a la venue d'A. laiser pousser les "mauvaises herbes". A a offert de commencer un potager ouvert a tous et utiliser par beaucoup de voisins.

Sheet mulching with waxy cardboard to suffocate weeds in the paths of the garden, the cardboard will then be covered with mulch from a local arborist.
Les sols des villes sont tres pauvres et compact. A la fois pour nourir le sol et suffoquer les mauvaises herbes, le sol est couvert de carton, puis de copeaux de bois venant d'un arboriste local

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