An inventory of urban and suburban sustainable ideas and the people behind them. Disobeying the suburban aesthetic laws for common sense, locavorism, human footprint reduction. Escaping consumerism by saving seeds, making your own honey, compost, houses etc....

Green Fairy garden

Green Fairy is a fully farmed back yard. Rabbits, ducks, chicken and a few goats, bees, and multiple edibles. This cob structure will be the goat milking and goat milk and cheese processing facility. It is conceive to allow the goat to have a save milking experience.
Outside the building you can see a gray water system collecting, filtering, redistributing used waters.

Green feary is un jardin entierement cultive. Lapins, poules, canard et meme chevre, abeilles et evidemment un potager et des fruitiers. Cette stucture construite en adobe(sable/paile et sol argileux)
est la salle de trayage, pasteurisation, culture de yaourt, de fromage de chevre. Pendant le trayage, la chevre a une vue rassurante sur le jardin.
Devant la structure on peux voir des bassins a eaux usees, qui seront filtrees par des plantes et redistribuees dans le potager
Vue on the bees, vue on the garden, for the goat.
Vue sur les abeilles, et vue sur le jardin pour la chevre.

The goats, and their milk anc cheese

One of the buildings detail, and the extraordinaire cob builder Marisha ( an interior wall.
Un des detail de construction, et une des eco-maconne/carpentiere/constructrice en train de faire un dernier platre sur un mut interieur.

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