Edibles growing everywhere. The gray water system was installed by Dig Coop(http://dig.coop/Site_2/Home.html). The water goes through numerous filters, including sand/bacteria filled underground cisterns. In this image the water is going though the plant wall, to get oxygene. The cleane water goes back into the house and is used to flush and wash laundry!
Le jardin est entierement domestique et le potager s'epand dans tout les coins. Un systeme de recuperation d'eau usee. Les eaux sont filtrees par le mur de plantes et canalisee en direction des arbres du jardin.
Compost and lived in cabins
Compost et des cabanes contruites et habitees dans le jardin.
Rain water catching cistern. Water heating system that runs throughout the floors of the house, outdoor kitchen with solar panels on the roof, in the middle of the farmed garden.
Citerne qui recupere l'eau de pluie. Systeme de chaufage a eau qui passe a travers les sols.
Salvage construction suply fro future projects. And the chickens.
Stockage de materiaux de construction recycles. Et le poulailler